Have we reached the tipping point for AI as a useful element of everyday productivity? Ironically, that’s probably a question best suited for AI to answer.

We do know, however, that people the world over are launching AI-infused websites at a feverish clip.

In that spirit, here are four intriguing newcomers you can use to free up some valuable time.

4 fresh new AI-powered websites to make you more productive

Inbox Zero

Don’t let the name fool you. Yes, Inbox Zero offers email-taming features, such as a rich dashboard you can use to quickly unsubscribe from annoying messages such as marketing spam and unwanted newsletters.

It’ll show you a list of senders, how many times each of them has emailed you, and, most importantly, how many times you’ve actually opened those emails. That in and of itself is a huge time saver, stack-ranking the worst offenders to make your un-subscription decisions easy.

But the site’s plain-language AI assistant is arguably the most impressive feature, letting you quickly create rules for handling your daily deluge of mail. There’s an auto-forwarding function: “If someone asks about benefits, forward the message to HR.” There’s a similar auto-labeling function. And there’s a very handy auto-respond function: “If someone inquires about pricing, respond ‘Hi, thanks for the message. Our premium plan costs $10 per month or $100 per year.’”

The service works with Gmail and includes a free plan that lets you unsubscribe from five emails each month. Use of AI features begins at $10 per month.

What AI Can Do Today

What better way to figure out all the stuff you can do with AI than by . . . well, using AI to analyze all of the AI out there?

If you’re ever about to tackle a task and think to yourself, “I bet AI could do this,” then swing by What AI Can Do Today to see if there’s a tool out there that can help.

The site has sifted through more than 5,000 AI tools and identified more than 30,000 tasks in more than 100 categories.

There’s an AI-powered search function, of course, and new tools get added all the time. It’s one-stop-shopping for AI help.


An excellent place to find remote jobs, FreshRemote.Work is a no-nonsense site that makes digging around for salary ranges a thing of the past.

The landing page lists positions newest to oldest, but they’re also categorized by pay in $20,000 increments.

Listings are enriched with AI to add a bit of context around each position, and each has a nifty “Preview” button that slides out a sidebar chock-full of details such as region, benefits, skills needed, and more.


You need to learn about a particular topic, but you just don’t have much time. Take it to AnyTopic instead.

Feed the site a topic and it’ll leverage AI to generate a personalized “audiobook” for you to listen to via your favorite podcast app.

I asked it to tell me about the 1987 Minnesota Twins and got back a shockingly good-sounding, four-minute audio file that, aside from a handful of mispronounced player names, felt like it was being read by a real human. Lengthwise, it wasn’t quite an audiobook, but it still hit all the high notes.

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